*House Warming*

House warming could be one of the most common thing to do when you moved to a new place to live - which I think it is just a way to say that 'Hey, this is my home now!'. And apparently, that was what my friends and I, the Pogung Baru Block B gurls did - ironically after months staying there.

But just to make everything official - last last Saturday, we geared ourselves up after the tutorial and ready to host.

Of course the planning took us a couple of days - Alia (our kos leader) would be the nervous wreck of course; it was not easy to serve food for +- 70 people. There were so many things to handle - food, drinks, tables, sitting positions and etc.

Well, I'm proud to say that I was in the Setting's Department - easiest job eva!! *chuckle evilly*

Anyway, to make things easy, we ordered our food from 'Grompol' (could be one of the famous place to eat according to us), and right before the event started, we went there to pick it up. Then came the table problem (there was no table to serve food) so with a straight face we just borrowed from a nearby food place - thank God they didn't charged us anything. Ha. Ha.

The 'ceremony' (it sounded so grand calling it that way ;p) started with 'Pembacaan Yasin' which then surely followed by the eating session (everyones fav part). I cannot exactly recalled what did we served - considering I was not in charge in that department but I think there was the traditional rice (duh), the main dish being chicken and there were also some generous side dishes that were bought by our lovely guests. Loved the cakes, popia, karipap, jelly and much more!!

Besides all the commotion of people rushing to get some food, majority of the girls (which were already eating) were going fanatic and began taking a huge amount of pictures.

*The Dining Stairs*

*Eating traditionally on the floor ^o^*

Pictures with the food, pictures at the stairs, pictures when you're eating, pictures that, pictures this... shish.

*Food Food Food!!!*

Being the photographer, I don't quite think it was a memorable experience for me. Haha. (But it was kinda fun)

*Thank God I wasn't the one taking the pictures here XD*

Apart from all that, one of the most absurd thing I ever witnessed happened too.

We had a freaking tour around the house - into EACH ROOM

And to make matter worst - the human species known as MEN were thes one judging our rooms.

Okay, where's the logic in that?

*Nothing nicer than a nice lounge at the corridor*

I could swear it should be the other way around, but the boys went all excited and ask for a tour as if the house is some sort of an amusement park! They even take pictures! (0.0)

Imran even commented that none of our rooms can match his.. geez.. (Like anyone wanted to be their room as pink as his - haha)

There they goes from one room to the other... and from one floor to the other.

I must say it was ridiculous, yet hilarious.

Guess we should have this kind of gatherings more often.

- Text taken n edited from ~Making Everything Official~
- Click on the pictures for bigger resolutions. Really sorry for the lack of photos, my laptop and server are crashing~ too much Fukuyama Masaharu's stuff~~